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Let's have fun!

    Guild Rules - READ


    Posts : 62
    Join date : 2011-10-16

    Guild Rules - READ Empty Guild Rules - READ

    Post  Jacob Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:59 pm

    Leader - gusteru88

    Ex-leaders in chronological order:

    Guild Level - 20

    About us
    This guild focus on having fun and enjoying each others company. We rather make big parties and have a laugh together than go solo leveling to get a lot of exp. We war when we want to because it's fun but in general we are a peace loving guild.

    Limit to join guild is level 61. To join you need to have good reputation and speak english. All new members are discussed in guild before accepted. Remember, being lvl 61 is no guarantee to get in the guild, we don't have many free spots and accept only people we think will work out in our group.

    Guild Land
    We've got guild land in Imha.

    'PhoenixFire Guild Rules'

    Read rules
    Use guild chat
    Don't ignore guild members/respect them

    Feel free to:
    Call members, when making dt run
    Ask for help if being Blocked (DT ch1 n/a)
    Share usefull information [Hunting, possable guild wars etc]

    Do NOT:
    Use any kind of Hacks
    Share your accounts with players from outside the guild*
    'beg' for bonus/stone etc
    'beg' for items/yang
    'beg' for exp
    Block during wars/pk
    Kill Steal (KS)

    apparent violations of the rules will be punished by ejection from the guild!

    PhoenixFire's judgement (17th July 2010)

      Current date/time is Fri Sep 27, 2024 11:30 am